Tuesday 31 May 2011

Footy Tipping Round 10 Results

For the second week in a row, Heather from our Murray Bridge group has won the footy tipping competition! Heather was the only person to get 7 correct tips, well done! Most people got 5 correct tips for the week, I think we were all thrown off by Port's win and the Crow's loss...good luck everyone in round 11.

Monday 23 May 2011

Footy Tipping Round 9 Results

The top tipper this week was Heather from our Murray Bridge group - well done on your 7 correct tips this week Heather! Our overall leader continues to be Merv from Lameroo...but John from Renmark and Gwen from Waikerie are not far behind...good luck this week everyone!

Friday 20 May 2011

Accessing Community Information on the Internet

We have noticed that a lot of you are saying on your weekly log sheets that you access community information on the internet during the week. We are curious to know the sort of community information you are looking up - is it things like the weather, bus timetables, news, event listings or something else? We thought it would be a good idea to start a conversation here on the blog site to discuss the sort of community information you are looking up on the Internet...this might give others some ideas about things they could look up too! Please post a comment and share!

Wednesday 18 May 2011

Footy Tipping Round 5 - 8 Results

Hi everyone sorry I have been a bit slow to put in the footy tipping results for the past few weeks (and that's not just because I haven't been tipping so well!). Here are the results for rounds 5, 6, 7, and 8: Round 5: Our top tipper this week was Tom from Morgan with 6 correct tips Round 6: Raelene from Lameroo had 7 correct tips this week and took the top spot (again! She was also the best tipper in round 3...) Round 7: Kath from our Murray Bridge group was the top tipper this week with 6 correct tips - the credit goes to her son Victor who advised her who to tip! Round 8: Alison from Meningie is this winner this week with all 8 tips correct!! Great job on your perfect score Alison! Merv from Lameroo continues to be our overall leader with 47 total correct tips. Good luck to everyone with their tipping this week!

Mid Murray and Riverland Photos

Sunrise on the river in Berri Another beautiful sunset in the Riverland Sunset at Kingston-on-Murray Lake Albert, Meningie Our meeting place in Lameroo Canola crop - Mid Murray

Wednesday 4 May 2011

Broadband for Seniors Site

Have a look at this link to some great tutorials on the broadband for seniors website...
  • Tutorials include:
      • The world wide web in Plain English
      • History of the Internet
      • Basics about the Internet and Computers....and many more!
  • Let us know what you think and if your found any of these tutorials informative!