Monday 5 September 2011

FINAL Footy Tipping Competition Results!

The regular season of AFL football has now come to a close...our 2 South Australian teams didn't do so well this year, but at least neither team got the wooden spoon (just!). Well done to all of the tippers in our competition, thanks for being involved it has been a lot of fun. The winner for the final round of the competition was Marion (John's wife) from Renmark - the only one to score 7 correct tips!! there is really no need for a drum roll as he has been in the lead all season, but a huge CONGRATULATIONS goes out to Merv in Lameroo who finished at the top in our competition by a substantial margin - 142 tips correct for the season well done Merv!! Stay tuned for your prize :) Thanks again to everyone who was involved and may the best team win the Grand Final!

Tuesday 30 August 2011

Fotty Tipping Round 23 Results

The winner of round 23 in our competition was Tom from Morgan who had 7 correct tips for the round! Tom was a tip above everyone else for the round, well done Tom. Good luck to everyone in the final round of the regular season!

Friday 26 August 2011

Footy Tipping Round 22

Hi all - getting in just before the start of the next round to share the results of round 22...our winner for the round was Kath (with the help of her son Victor!) from Murray Bridge who picked all 8 winners!! Excellent job. Kath is now just 2 tips behind Merv in the overall competion but with only 2 rounds left time is quickly running out...Good luck to all in round 23!

Wednesday 17 August 2011

Round 21 Footy Results

Last week's winner was Max from Pinnaroo with 7 correct tips and just one point off the margin for the game last Friday night. Good work Max! We are now approaching the end of the regular football season...only 3 more rounds to go! Merv from Lameroo has been the top tipper in our competition since the season began, can he keep it up for 3 more weeks??

Tuesday 9 August 2011

Footy Tipping Round 20 Results

Hi all - it was another week of good tipping results, 7 people in our competition got all 8 tips correct in the round! The overall winner was Gwen from Waikerie with a low margin of only 7 points. Or overall competion leader Merv had a perfect score of 8 for the week so has increased his lead to 2 tips ahead of Kath. Well done!

Wednesday 3 August 2011

Footy Tipping Round 19 Results

The winner for round 19 in our footy tipping competition is Kath from Murray Bridge group with all 7 tips correct for this round and the smallest margin for the round of only 4 points! A total of 12 people in our competition got all 7 tips correct this round - well done! Merv stays at the top of the ladder overall but it is still a very tight race, Kath now just one point behind...

Wednesday 27 July 2011

Footy Tipping Round 18 Results

A total of 9 people in our competition got all 8 tips correct this week, well done!! The winner of the round was Ruth from Lameroo, Ruth had 8 correct tips and the lowest margin for the round. The overall leader of the competition continues to be Merv with Kath from Murray Bridge, Ruth from Lameroo and John from Renmark close behind. Although we have finished our fortnightly meetings with you all we will still be keeping the football tipping competition going and will post the weekly results so stay tuned!

Friday 22 July 2011

Footy Tipping Round 17 Results

Hi all - last week's winner in our footy tipping competition was Elsie from Lameroo. Elsie got 7 correct tips, quite a feat seeing she got 2 more correct than anyone else this week! Merv is still on top of the ladder, edging out in front of John by 2. Let's see what happens this week!

Friday 15 July 2011

Excel Tutorials

Hi all, Some of you who have laptops have expressed an interest in learning how to use the spreadsheet program Microsoft Excel. We have found a website with some free tutorials which may be useful. The website covers many different topics, just click on what you are interested in learning about on the top of the screen and a number of links to videos on that topic will appear in the middle of the screen. Select the video you would like to view and a new page will come up giving you a demonstration. On the top left hand side of the screen there is a button you can press to ‘Try it yourself’. There are also links to free tutorials about the Microsoft Word (used for typing documents) and Powerpoint (used for creating slideshows for presenations) on this website. Click on the link below to be taken to the website:

Footy Tipping Results Round 16

Hi everyone - I'm getting in with last week's footy tipping results just in time before round 17 begins...our winner last week was Heather from our Murray Bridge group. This is the 3rd time Heather has won a week of tipping in our competition!! Excellent work Heather...Heather claims she doesn't know anything about football but I'm not so sure ;) In other news Merv from Lameroo, who has been on top of the overall ladder since the season started, is now tied for first place with John from Renmark. The pressure is really on now...what will the ladder look like after this round?

Tuesday 5 July 2011

Website for people aged 50+

Hi everyone, We thought you might be interested in having a look at the following website - just click on the underlined words below and you will be directed there: 'Your life choices' is a website for Australians aged 50+ that provides information on a range of topics including health, travel, finance and technology. Have a look and see what you think.

Footy Tipping Competition Update

Hi all - I have missed a few weeks of footy tipping updates so I'm here to get everyone up to speed...our winner for round 13 was Alison from our Murray Bridge group, Alison was the only person to get 7 correct tips this week. The winner for round 14 was Ruth from our Lameroo group - Ruth is very sneakily creeping in on Merv's overall lead in the competition, look out Merv! In the last round of footy tipping, round 15, we had a tie for first place. Heather and Alison, both from our Murray Bridge group, got 6 tips correct and the same margin. This is the 2nd time Alison has won our footy tipping competition and the 3rd time Heather has won, well done!!

Friday 17 June 2011

Footy Tipping Round 12 Results

Hi everyone, We are now about halfway through the football season - I don't think there is much hope for our South Australian teams making it to finals this year but in better news we have had some great tipping in the last round, five people in our competition got 8 correct tips!! Max from our Lameroo group had the overall best score for the round with 8 correct tips and a margin of only 2 - well done Max! Good luck to everyone this week :)

Friday 10 June 2011

Footy Tipping Round 11 Results

The top tipper last week in the 'Linking Rural Older People' footy tipping competition was Ruth from our Berri group - congratulations Ruth and good work on getting 7 tips correct last week! Round 12 is now upon us...good luck everyone!

Tuesday 31 May 2011

Footy Tipping Round 10 Results

For the second week in a row, Heather from our Murray Bridge group has won the footy tipping competition! Heather was the only person to get 7 correct tips, well done! Most people got 5 correct tips for the week, I think we were all thrown off by Port's win and the Crow's loss...good luck everyone in round 11.

Monday 23 May 2011

Footy Tipping Round 9 Results

The top tipper this week was Heather from our Murray Bridge group - well done on your 7 correct tips this week Heather! Our overall leader continues to be Merv from Lameroo...but John from Renmark and Gwen from Waikerie are not far behind...good luck this week everyone!

Friday 20 May 2011

Accessing Community Information on the Internet

We have noticed that a lot of you are saying on your weekly log sheets that you access community information on the internet during the week. We are curious to know the sort of community information you are looking up - is it things like the weather, bus timetables, news, event listings or something else? We thought it would be a good idea to start a conversation here on the blog site to discuss the sort of community information you are looking up on the Internet...this might give others some ideas about things they could look up too! Please post a comment and share!

Wednesday 18 May 2011

Footy Tipping Round 5 - 8 Results

Hi everyone sorry I have been a bit slow to put in the footy tipping results for the past few weeks (and that's not just because I haven't been tipping so well!). Here are the results for rounds 5, 6, 7, and 8: Round 5: Our top tipper this week was Tom from Morgan with 6 correct tips Round 6: Raelene from Lameroo had 7 correct tips this week and took the top spot (again! She was also the best tipper in round 3...) Round 7: Kath from our Murray Bridge group was the top tipper this week with 6 correct tips - the credit goes to her son Victor who advised her who to tip! Round 8: Alison from Meningie is this winner this week with all 8 tips correct!! Great job on your perfect score Alison! Merv from Lameroo continues to be our overall leader with 47 total correct tips. Good luck to everyone with their tipping this week!

Mid Murray and Riverland Photos

Sunrise on the river in Berri Another beautiful sunset in the Riverland Sunset at Kingston-on-Murray Lake Albert, Meningie Our meeting place in Lameroo Canola crop - Mid Murray

Wednesday 4 May 2011

Broadband for Seniors Site

Have a look at this link to some great tutorials on the broadband for seniors website...
  • Tutorials include:
      • The world wide web in Plain English
      • History of the Internet
      • Basics about the Internet and Computers....and many more!
  • Let us know what you think and if your found any of these tutorials informative!
  • Tuesday 19 April 2011

    Phone and Internet Providers

    Below are two website links for internet/phone providers. These providers offer deals that bundle home phone, mobile phone and internet plans together, which may be of interest to those of you who are starting to think about what internet provider you will use after the Telstra internet provided through the project finishes.
    The first group, Southern Phone, are a company focused on providing better phone and internet services in regional Australia....
    The second group, ONEseniors, are specifically aimed at providing appropriate telecommunication services for the over 55's...

    Footy Tipping Round 4 Results

    Congratulations to John from Renmark who came in first place for this round of footy tipping with 6 correct tips! It was a close round this week with several tippers selecting 6 correct results but John came in first with the closest margin for Friday nights game. It is a tight race for the overall leader of our competition with Merv from Lameroo still in the top spot, ahead of John by only 1 tip! Good luck to everyone next week.

    Thursday 14 April 2011

    Invisible Cities Forum

    This is a link to ABC coverage of a really interesting forum that was recently held in NSW discussing invisible cities in the digital age...the impact that technology is having on our communities!
    "Invisible Cities: Community in a Digital Age 01 Mar 2011, 11:00 How has community changed with the rise of social networking and online connections which may be stronger than those in the 'real world'? One community in Woollahra, Sydney, convened a diverse town hall-style panel to examine these 'invisible cities' that are now emerging, and how it is changing the way we connect to people. " (ABC, 2011)
    You just need to click on the 'watch full clip' option to view it...the video goes for around 60 mins.

    Monday 11 April 2011

    Footy Tipping Competition

    To all of you who are taking part in the Linking Rural Older People footy tipping competition, the results from round 3 are in...congratulations to Raelene from our Lameroo group who had the best score for this round with 7 correct tips!! The overall leader for all rounds is Merv, also from Lameroo, with a total score of 20. I think we all better keep an eye on these good tippers from Lameroo! If anyone else is interested in joining our footy tipping competition it is not too late - just let us know and we will help you sign up. Good luck to all tippers this week!

    Tuesday 29 March 2011

    Video tutorials for iPad users...

    Here is a website with links to some helpful video tutorials for iPad users. The site isn't the easiest to navigate but unfortunately the best I could find. The videos include instructions on how to set up various types of email accounts on the iPad and how to use the photos application. There are links to to some video podcasts in itunes through this site which may be worth downloading if...let us know if they are helpful!

    Thursday 10 March 2011

    Link to video tutorials for using Windows 7

    This link takes you to a page with a list of really useful tutorials in Windows 7, starting with the basics about using the desktop and then moving through different sujects that may be of interest to you.... Just click on the link to be directed to the site and then click on any of the tutorials that interest you (there are 17 all together). You may need to wait a little while for the videos to load...

    Wednesday 9 March 2011

    Some images from the first group meeting in Murray Bridge!

    Here are some images of group members getting familiar with the new technology!
    Laptop user....getting used to the functions of the mouse.
    iPad user...learning to zoom in and out on the touchscreen.

    Pictures of the Riverland

    Berri sunset
    Barmera jetty under water
    On the road again
    Purnong Ferry


    Friday 18 February 2011

    Welcome to our new blog site!

    Hello to all the participants involved in our research project. Kelly, Beth and I would like you to think of this as your site to share your 'new technology' experiences and stories. We will keep posting any news and stories here and would like you to do the same.